Monday, November 16, 2009


Most of the time things are going great. Although three smalle children are a lot of work, most of the time everything goes pretty smoothly and I am really happy. Of course it is like rush hour every now and then, especially when I am preparing dinner and the kids want attention, I need to wipe a bottom, etc.. But that is okay.

But what I hate most and still have not find a good solution for is screaming, arghhhhh. My eldest, a boy, loves to scream, since about a month this seems to be his new thing, high pitched screaming. Not only do I hate it, but it really scraes his little brother (who is only 13 weeks old), espacially when I am breastfeeding him. I have given time-outs, sometimes this does work, but some days.....
And of course every now and then I get really irritated, which I shouldn't and then it gets him more attention tham it should. Although I try to give my kids attention for positive things and not too much for negative behavior, some days I find myself doing the opposite and we are then spiraling down in negativity. Once I notice I try to stop what I am doing, take a deep breath and focus on the positive. Luckily this usually works. Although it almost seems sometimes like my eldest prefers negative attention, although I know that cannot really be true...